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Concrete Thoughts

Alireza Biparva

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  • Concrete Best Practices General Concrete Practices Sustainable Construction
    A young woman is sitting in a circular concrete opening and looking out at mountains.

    How Concrete Construction Can Provide Circular Economy Solutions

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    While increasing the sustainability of concrete has understandably been a key focus for the construction industry, it’s not the only...

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  • Concrete Abrasion & Erosion Resistance Sustainable Construction

    Interview: How Hard-Cem® Can Support Sustainable Construction

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    With all this industry focus on sustainable construction, there’s now a greater need to find construction materials that can contribute....

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  • Concrete Industry News Industry News Most Popular
    Scientists at Kryton's lab handle Smart Concrete products.

    Interview: Exploring Concrete Admixtures with Kryton’s Technical Experts

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Whether you’re an architect, engineer, or contractor, you’ve likely had to take some time to consider one of the most...

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  • Events
    The World of Concrete logo rests above the Las Vegas Convention Center area.

    The Top 2 Events You Have to Attend at World of Concrete 2020

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    There are hundreds upon hundreds of events to see at World of Concrete (WOC) 2020, so it’s impossible to get...

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  • Concrete Waterproofing
    Kryton Concrete Symposium

    Concrete Symposium in Jordan

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Kryton’s state-of-the-art Research Center is always endeavouring to develop new and improved methods and technologies in order to create more...

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  • Concrete Best Practices General Concrete Practices

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis – Conventional Design

    Written by: Alireza Biparva

    Each and everyday people around the world make important economic decisions in order to be able to continue their daily...

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  • Concrete Best Practices Concrete Industry News General Concrete Practices
    Steel Corrosion

    Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Let’s face it, as we move into a less certain future, the ability to adapt on in all levels of...

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