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Concrete Thoughts

Concrete Repair

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  • Concrete Leak Repair Concrete Technology

    Stopping Live Leaks in their Tracks

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    As a manufacturer, we invest a lot of resources into developing our product line. With the largest North American laboratory,...

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  • Concrete Best Practices General Concrete Practices

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis – Conventional Design

    Written by: Alireza Biparva

    Each and everyday people around the world make important economic decisions in order to be able to continue their daily...

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  • Concrete Best Practices Concrete Leak Repair General Concrete Practices
    Kryton's cartoon character Stickman is pumping epoxy injections into a concrete crack.

    Epoxy Injections: The Ugly Truth

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Concrete crack repair is not something anyone wants to deal with. It can be costly, time-consuming, and just plain annoying....

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  • Concrete Waterproofing Events

    Krystol Products work to restore an 18th Century Fieldstone Foundation on “This Old House”

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Last June our East Coast distributors, Bill Della Sorte and Greg Maugeri from New England Dry Concrete, had the unique...

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  • Concrete Best Practices General Concrete Practices

    Kryton & The Vancouver Giants

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Last Friday a group of Krytonites took in a Vancouver Giants game. Although Vancouver lost 2-6 to the Kelowna Rockets...

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  • Concrete Best Practices
    Hydrophobic VS Hydrophilic

    Hydrophobic VS Hydrophilic

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Most concrete structures are designed such that the water is intended to stay put – either on the inside, like...

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  • Concrete Best Practices Concrete Industry News
    Steel Corrosion

    Sneaky Grains of Salt can wreak havoc

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    Tiny hairline cracks are inevitable when creating a new concrete structure. It’s the nature of the environment: the earth, and...

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  • Concrete Best Practices Concrete Leak Repair Concrete Waterproofing

    Regular Maintenance Protects and Preserves

    Written by: Kryton Marketing

    With all concrete structures cracks can occur due to settling, seismic activity, extreme temperatures and even traffic. If ignored, cracks...

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